50 Petanyaan yang Sering Muncul di Google

Wellcode.IO team | 16 OCT 2020
Ibarat seorang asisten, Google sudah menemani kamu apabila tidak ingin mengetahui suatu persoalan yang terjadi di media sosial. Dan hasilnya, Google pun bisa menjawab rasa penasaran kamu.

Tapi pernah kepikiran gak sih pertanyaan apa aja yang paling ditanyakan oleh pengguna internet di dunia?

Dilansir SEMRush, berikut ini adalah top 50 pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan ke Google tahun 2020:

1. how to vote india
2. what to watch
3. what is my ip
4. what time is it
5. how to screenshot on mac
6. how many ounces in a cup
7. how to delete instagram account
8. where am i
9. how many weeks in a year
10. when is fathers day

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11. how to
12. what song is this
13. when is mothers day
14. where is my train
15. how many ounces in a gallon
16. what is
17. how many ounces in a pound
18. how to tie a tie
19. how many liters in a gallon
20. when is easter 2020

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21. what films are playing
22. when is easter
23. how are you
24. how many grams in an ounce
25. how to draw
26. how many countries in the world
27. who called me
28. how to solve a rubik's cube
29. how to lose weight
30. how to lose weight fast

31. what time is it in california
32. how to delete facebook account
33. how to make hand sanitizer
34. how many cups in a quart
35. when is the next full moon
36. when is thanksgiving
37. how to backup iphone
38. how many tablespoons in a cup
39. how to deactivate facebook
40. how many people are in the world

41. is today a holiday
42. how many quarts in a gallon
43. what is the 2020 census census
44. how long to boil eggs
45. when is black friday
46. how to take a screenshot on a mac
47. how to make french toast
48. why is the sky blue
49. how many days until christmas
50. how do i use google translate offline

OK, Google.

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